Bookings Now Open

Learn how to deliver the Davis Autism Approach

Online Training Workshop

Mastering Life


 For Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Educators and Teaching Aides

April 22, 29, May 6, 13 and 20, 2024

8 am - 4 pm AEST






For more information and to enrol please contact:


Our research into how to deliver the Davis Life Concepts Approach safely and effectively

 Autistic individuals need and deserve respectful, enriching and affirmative developmental and psychological wellbeing programs that are both safe and effective. 

Our research is showing that the Davis approach is one such method.  After delivering more than 50 programs to children, teenagers and adults, our case studies indicate that the Davis method offers a gentle but powerful way of generating life-changing developmental shifts that are personally meaningful to our child, teen and adult research participants to participate more fully in a life of their choosing. The data is showing life is becomes easier, less confusing, less overwhelming and more enjoyable for our research participants, who have improved cognitive development, functional capacity, mental health and psychological wellbeing after completing a Davis program.

But building a rigorous evidence base for any new therapy or program takes care, time and resources. It will be some time yet before there can be any claim that the Davis approach is a proven cognitive development program for Autism? So, in the meantime, what do we do at Developing Me Psychology?

Do we wait for more research to see if our findings are replicated, or do we start to share what we now know about the potential benefits of the Davis approach. Our Davis programs are already sought after, and have been some time. We have been keeping our early findings ‘on the downlow’ because we do not want to share these promising outcomes too far and wide, while simultaneously not being able to meet the need for the Davis programs. After eight years, we have decided it is time to press ahead and open up training in the Davis method through Developing Me Psychology. If we can help one more Autistic or Neurodivergent person to become ‘unstuck’ and live their life more easily, we want the chance to do so. The best way for us to do that is to support other therapists, teachers, parents and Autistic individuals to trial a Davis program so they can decide for themselves, like we did, whether this is an effective, strengths-based way of working with Autism.

 It is now time for us to offer training in the Davis approach so you can decide, for yourself, if this is a method that you wish to utilise to assist someone in your life who is struggling in their developmental journey.

The best way for us to do that now is to offer training, so more psychologists, teachers and allied health professionals can trial the Davis approach with a client, student or loved one. 

This stand-alone workshop is designed for professionals who wish to explore this novel approach for themselves or to assist someone who is struggling in their developmental journey.

What kind of outcomes do people experience?

Individuals who have completed the Davis Life Concepts for Autism Program have experienced many changes, including:

  •  Stronger sense of self

  • Increased ability to be able to take part in daily activities and create order in their life

  • Improved cognitive flexibility

  • Improved decision making

  • Willingness to try new things 

  • Greater capacity to cope with change

  • An ability to cause a positive change in their life

  • Finding life enjoyable

  • Less anxiety 

  • Less overwhelmed and frightened of life (able to predict what will come next)

  • A reduction in sensory overload symptoms

  • Reductions in meltdowns

  • More social interest and curiosity (eg.,asking others questions)

  • More assertive

  • Being better equipped to manage relationships and social interactions.

Our case study research shows that each and every client or research participant has a unique and personal story about the life-changing developmental shifts that have emerged from their Davis journey. So much of what our clients share with us along the way is a heart-warming testimony to the gentle power of the life concept approach developed by Ron Davis. As facilitators, there is a true joy in having the opportunity to work beside someone as they make their way through a Davis program. We get to smile - a lot! Inevitably, many of the developmental difficulties and psychological suffering that brought people to our door start to melt away, or pose less of a barrier to the way they are wanting to live their lives. We see children who are happier, less anxious, experiencing less meltdowns, more flexible in their thinking, better able to learn, and who are able to connect with more curiosity to the world around them. We see teenagers with a stronger sense of self, who are less frightened of making mistakes, who are growing into their skin as they begin to explore their interests and identity with less fear and confusion. We see adults, time and again, reporting that they feel sturdy within themselves as individuals, they are less rigid and and perfectionistic, more open and curious, less needing to please, able to speak up because they are less frightened of rejection, they better appreciate the unique qualities that make them who they are, they are able to pursue the hobbies, study and vocational pathways that they have long wanted to explore, they are commencing work, moving into better jobs, dating, making friends, managing the tasks of daily life with less stress and meltdowns, and they are often ending unhealthy relationships.

We call these ‘the good life problems’ - a term coined by our first Autistic co-researcher Emma in 2017 (that is another story) - that seem to be the outcome of doing a Davis program.

Beyond this workshop 

Our workshops are designed to introduce you to the Davis approach and provide you with high-quality training in how to implement it safely and effectively. We aim to develop your knowledge, expertise and ability to work with Autistic and Neurodivergent people to bring about positive change in their lives using the Davis Approach.

Developing Me Psychology is also available for clinical supervision or clinical case collaboration if you are wanting to draw upon our clinical research outcomes to guide your trial of the method with a particular client.

  • Since 2016, our case study series has involved the delivery of Davis programs to individuals with significant, chronic and complex mental health or psychological difficulties in addition to Autism (such as OCD, Eating Disorders, Anxiety Disorders) and other concurrent attentional and or learning difficulties. Please ask us if you have a particular client in mind, and we can share any relevant clinical data with you.

  • If you wish to continue on to train to be a licensed Davis facilitator, the Ron Davis Autism Foundation has a number of training pathways depending on your qualifications and experience and these can be found at www.rda in the.

  • Please note, the training pathways to be licensed as a Davis facilitator are set out and implemented by the Ron Davis Autism Foundation. 

  • Developing Me Psychology is offering training out of Australia, but we do not determine the training pathways or options required by the Ron Davis Autism Foundation to attain full licensing.

  • If you are unsure whether you need to contact us or Ron Davis Foundation to answer any specific training questions, please contact our project manager, Deb Kirkham, and she will be able to help you:

For more information, you can also visit the Ron Davis Foundation at:

You are also welcome to sign up to our mailing list on our ‘Contact’ page so that we can notify you when the workshop dates are confirmed.